August 22-25

We had a great first week in Ms. Melissa’s 1st and 2nd grade class! I will be posting on this blog each week to fill you in on what we are busy learning. Please read the blog with your child and ask them to tell you about their favorite lessons and activities.


We put our engineering skills to the test by using cups and popsicle sticks to complete challenges. With the solo cups, we worked as teams to make super tall towers. In pairs we used popsicle sticks to build sturdy structures such a bridges. One student tested the bridge to see if it was strong enough to hold all the matchbox cars in our classroom. It was! In these activities, the students used teamwork, cooperation, problem solving and communication.

Reflective questions: 1) How did your team work together to move the cups? 2) At what point in the activity did you feel like everyone was working together as a team? 3) Describe a moment when your team felt frustrated. How did you work through this?

We also created two class graphs this week. The first graph entitled, “How Do You Feel?” gave the class information about how everyone felt coming into the first day of school. We used pictures of emojis to describe how we were feeling. The second graph, “How Many Letters in Your Name?” displayed information to help us answer questions such as, “Who has the longest name in the class?’ “Who has the shortest name?’ “How many more letters does Madelyn have in her name than Niko?’ After the graphs were completed we went over results and analyzed the data.

We made this graph after reading the story Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. The main character in this story would definitely win for having the most letters in her name! Graphing is a fun concept because it is so visual. Kids “get it” pretty easily. Graphing activities allow them to share things about themselves, so they love it. 🙂

Solve The Room- Students went on a scavenger hunt around the room to solve the number of dots per heart. We are practicing identifying the number of dots without having to count them, as well as practicing forming numbers properly.


At the end of each day, I read aloud from a chapter book for 25 minutes. This takes place in our “reading room” which the students know as a calm and cozy place. By listening to read alouds from literature above their grade level, they are exposed to a rich vocabulary and themes that they might not get reading books for their individual grade levels. Our first novel of the schoolyear is called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. The story follows the life of a China Rabbit. It contains several themes involving loss and recovery, kindness and compassion, and the journey to self discovery. Although the novel is written for 4th grade and above, the students are engaged, asking thought provoking questions, and are exercising their stamina for sitting and listening to a novel.

Getting to Know You” Activities

This week we spent a lot of time getting reaquainted with each other, and for me, I’m getting to know the students for the first time. Almost all of the students were in Ms. Demetra;s Class last year, so they were able to pick up where they left off. I am so impressed with the creativity and imagination this class exhibits. Here are some visuals of your children being sweet as can be answering questions about what their favorites are, what they are grateful for, and giving each other compliments…

Recess/Free Choice Time

Kudos to you parents for all of your awesomely packed lunches and snacks and for getting the kids to school on time. And most of all, thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me this year. I know it will be a fabulous year!